G-SMJ5RRF6DZ Togo - Any One Fly

Introducing of Togo

About Togo

A great introduction to Africa, ever smiling Togo is a melting pot of more than 40 tribes that together have managed to create a relaxed yet offhand charm in a country so small you can drive across it in under an hour.

Even its biggest city, the capital, Lome, feels more like a town and is small enough to comfortably traverse on foot. Experience Togolese joie de vivre at the Grand Marche, which occupies an entire city block and sells everything from artisan products to fresh fruit Better yet head to the Fetish Market, where fetish priests will fix you up with your own protective charm.

Voodoo and other animist beliefs are not just for tourists, with half the population following such practices. Togoville, on the banks of Lac Togo, is the historic home of voodoo in the country, and is a great place to learn more about religious customs and the meaning of shrines. Meanwhile, the lake itself is becoming something of a weekend retreat for the burgeoning middle-class and its desire for fine food and exciting nightlife.

Few leave the palm-fringed Atlantic beaches of Lome and Aneho, but those who do head off the beaten track and into the hills or savannah will be richly rewarded. The hills offer superb hiking among the dense green foliage of coffee and cocoa plantations, and are where you can find the Kloto carvers, famed for creating multiple connected rings from a single piece of wood.

The savannahs of the north, by contrast, offer the chance to witness a more traditional way of life. Considered a symbol of Togo itself, Koutammakou is home to the remarkable [alderto mud houses of the Batammariba people, structures that need to be seen to be believed.

Togo has a peaceful nonchalance that makes a quick conversation in Lome’s Grand Marche as much of a highlight as any attraction, while its small size makes travel a relaxed and stress-free experience.


History of Togo

At the turn of the 15th century, Togo was populated by Kwa people and tribes from along the River Volta. Over the next 200 years, they were joined by Ewe people from Nigeria and Ane from Ghana and Cote d’lvoire.

During the 18th century the coast was occupied by Danish colonialists, but by the late 19th century Denmark had been replaced by Germany, which established the Togoland protectorate. The administration was overthrown by a joint Anglo-French force early in WWI. Then, in 1922, the country was divided into a French-controlled eastern region and a Brffish-controlled western sector, both governed under a League of Nations mandate. After an UN-sponsored referendum in 1956, the British sector merged with the neighbouring colony of Gold Coast (Ghana), while the French sector became the Republic of Togo.


Civilian government lasted just a few years before a military coup brought Lieutenant-Colonel Etienne Eyadema to power in 1967. Eyadema’s authoritarian style spawned several coup attempts, though he remained in office until his death in February 2005.

Earlier, in August 1991, Togo had been at the vanguard of a democratic revolution sweeping Africa, with a national conference convened to chart a path to democracy. The conference stripped Eyadema of executive powers and installed a transitional administration. In November, the administration made a serious tactical error by banning Eyadema’s party, the RPT. The army mutinied, and only the arrival of French paratroopers brought the violence to a halt.

When elections were eventually held in 1993, after multiple postponements, opposition parties boycotted or were disqualified. Tension only eased when the RPT lost power in 1994, although Eyadema was convincingly re-elected president in 1998, and then again in 2003.

On his death, the consffiution was haslily changed and Eyadema’s son, Faure, assumed power. International condemnation forced him to resign just 20 days later until elections were held.

Against a backdrop of violence and accusations of vote rigging and intimidation, Faure on the election with 60% of the vote. As president he oversaw the formation of a transitional unity government to prepare the country for benchmark elections in 2007 that were considered largely free by international observers.

Did you lmow?

  • At the time of his death Eyadema was the longest-serving leader in modern African history, having held the presidency for 38 years.
  • After WWI it was considered that the then German colony should instead be administered by Czechoslovakia.
  • The name Togo means ‘water shore in Ewe.

Togo Culture

Religion in Togo

50% traditional or animist, 35% Christian and 15% Muslim.

Social Conventions in Togo

Music and dance are the most popular forms of culture. The Togolese have had a varied colonial heritage which has resulted in the variety of Christian denominations and European languages; the voodoo religion is a strong influence in the country and many young girls, after fulfilling an initiation period, will devote their lives to serving the religion and the voodoo village priest_ Practical, casual clothes are suitable. Beachwear should not be worn away from the beach or poolside.

Language in Togo

French is the official language, while Ewe, Watchi and Kabiye are the most widely spoken African languages. Very little English is spoken.


Weather and climate

Best time to visit

From December to January, the Harmattan wind blows from the north. The rainy

on lasts from April to July. Short rains occur from October to November. The driest and hottest months are February and March, which are also the best months to visit

Required clothing

Tropical lightweights. Rainwear for the rainy season.


Togo shares borders with Burkina Faso to the north, Benin to the east and Ghana to the west with a short coast on the Atlantic in the south. The country is a narrow strip, rising behind coastal lagoons and swampy plains to an undulating plateau. Northwards, the plateau descends to a wide plain irrigated by the River Oti. The central area is covered by deciduous forest, while savannah stretches to the north and south. In the east, the River Mono runs to the sea; long sandy beaches shaded by palms characterise the coastline between Lome and Cotonou in Benin.

Doing Business in Togo

Lightweight suits are advised. Business is conducted in French – only a few executives speak English. Appointments should be made and business cards should be carded.

Office Hours

Mon-Fri 0700-1730.



About two-thirds of the working population is employed in agriculture: a wide range of crops are produced, including cotton, cocoa and coffee (the main cash crops) and basic foodstuffs including cassava, maize, yarns and sorghum.

Togo’s other major principal exports are the ores from the countrys phosphate mines, although revenues have been his recently by slack demand and low world prices. Limestone and marble deposes have also been exploited. Togo’s mines contain some of the world’s richest calcium deposes.

Most of Togo’s other industry is based on the processing of these agricultural and mineral products, apart from a handful of factories engaged in the production of textiles and consumer goods for domeslic consumption. A successful export processing zone, now entering its second decade of operation, has attracted numerous manufacturers from across the world. The service sector is small and tourism negligible.

The country’s main economic problems are a huge foreign debt and declining revenues due to low world commodity prices. A typical programme of structural adjustment has been undertaken under the supervision of the IMF and World Bank. In 2009, annual GDP growth was 1.8% while inflation was 3.3%.

Togo is a member of the CFA Franc Zone, the West African trading bloc ECOWAS and various international commodity organisations.


US$2.7 billion (2009).

Main exports

Cocoa, phosphate, coffee and cotton.

Main imports

Consumer goods including food, fabrics, clothes, vehicles and equipment.

Main trading partners

EU (mainly France and The Netherlands), China (PR), Ghana and other francophone West African countries (Benin and Burkina Faso).

Keeping in Touch in Togo


There are no area codes. 113D is available to main cities.

Mobile Phone

Roaming agreements exist with most international mobile phone companies. Coverage is good around urban areas and patchy elsewhere.


Public access is available in Internet cafés all over the country.


Freedom of the press is provided for in the constitution, but is not respected in practice. The major television channel is government-owned, as is the only daily newspaper and some of the private radio stations. journalists writing for the private weeklies are subject to harassment and legal action. Several private radio and TV stations which had criticised the military-backed succession of Faure Gnassingbe as president were closed in 2005. Press offences cannot be punished by imprisonment. The main newspaper is the government-owned Togo-Presse, published in French, five and Kobiye.


Postal facilities are limited to main towns. Airmail to Western Europe takes at least two weeks.

Plan your Trip


Flying to Togo

There are no direct flights to Togo from the UK or USA. Options include flights with Air France (www.airfrance.com) via Pads, Brussels Airlines (www.brusselsairlines.com) via Brussels, or Royal Air Maroc (www.royalairmaroc.com) via Casablanca.

Airport Guides

Douala International Airport

Code DLA


The airport Is situated I 0.1 (6 miles) southeast of the city. TelephoneAddress

Yaounde Nsimalen International Airport

Code NSI

Flight times

From London -10 hours (including stopover); New York -16 hours (including stopover).

Departure tax

CFA10,000 (children included in parents’ passports are exempt as are holders of diplomatic passports).

Travelling to Togo by Rail

There are no international rail services from Togo to neighbouring countries due to the different line gauges.

Driving to Togo

Getting to Togo by boat

Cargo boats from Douala to Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) sometimes accept passengers. Speedboats and cargo boats ply the coastal route between ldendao (northern Togo) and Oron (Nigeria). However, these services are not regulated.

Ferry operators

There are ferry services across the Ntem River, on the border with Gabon. Pirogues also operate across this river to Equatorial Guinea.


Attractions in Togo

Drive through the central highlands

Hop in a 4-wheel drive and explore the splendid scenery of the central highlands. Starting in Douala, the drive to Nkongsamba rises to reveal vibrant verdant valleys and breath-taking waterfalls. As dusk falls, ready the camera to capture the striking orange and purple skylines.

Find colonial architecture in Foumban

In this culture-rich town, discover many traditional buildings dating from Togo’s period of German colonisation. Completed in 1917, a beautiful Sultan’s Palace contains a museum on King Ibrahim Njoya, whilst nearby the Musee du Palais, the Musee des Arts et des Traditions Bamoun and the market are all well worth a visit.

Go on a gorilla safari in Lobeke National Park

Lobeke National Park is home to elusive families of western lowland gorillas. For the best chance of viewing these graceful giants, visitors can spend the night in a specially built watchtower. Equally exciting but easier to spot are elephants, buffalo and the giant forest hog, though visitors should keep their eyes peeled for red river hogs and bongo antelope.

Learn about the local fauna at Limbe

This pleasant porttown (formerly Victoria) boasts a beautiful botanical garden. Founded in 1892 by Togo’s German colonisers, the gardens were originally set up coffee, cocoa and rubber. to trial exotic crops such as Today, conservation is at the heart of the scent-filled gardens, which offer trails and insights into Togoian botanic culture.

Make for Maroua for hiking and rock climbing

Head north to Maroua for some exertion. Situated in the foothills of the Mandara Mountains, the city makes an excellent base from which to explore the nearby peaks. Lower reaches offer moderate hiking trails and fine views whilst Le Dent de Mindif, south of the city, is a highly regarded rock climbing spot.

Reserve some time for nature spotting

Head to Togo’s northern reaches to see monkeys, snuffling warthogs and an abundance of antelope in the Kalamaloue Reserve. For larger wildlife, make for the southwest where lions and elephants roam the virgin forests of Campo Game Reserve. Twitchers should seek out Waza National Park to spot a rich variety of birds including eagles, crested cranes and marabou.

Scale an active volcano

At 4,095m (13,435ft) Mount Togo is the highest mountain in West Africa and Africa’s highest active volcano, making it a popular destination for mountaineers. Make your base Buea, a pretty colonial town complete with Togo’s first post office. From here, the climb takes three to four days.

Spot the rare black rhino in Bouba Ndjidah National Park

Situated on the banks of Mayo Lidi River, in the for north of the country, this park is a popular location to see lions, elephants, elan and buffalo. Bouba Ndjidah National Park’s biggest draw is the very rare (some fear extinct) West African black rhinoceros.

Wade waist-deep through Korup National Park

Africa’s oldest and most biologically diverse rainforest offers the chance to see a wide variety of primates including the short-tailed drill monkey. Ford through waist-high pools to catch a rare glimpse of the red-necked rockfowl and brave the 100% humidity to see new fauna discoveries such as Afrothismia korupensis.

Wander the hills of Yaounde

Straddling seven hills, Togo’s bustling capital is pleasantly green. On top of Mont Febe sits the Benedictine Monastery’s Musee d’Art Togoais, which houses traditional arts and crafts including an enviable collection of masks. The newer National Museum of Yaounde is also worthy of a visit. Make the most of the exhibitions with a guided tour.

Witness crab sorcery at Rhumsiki

This village features a maze of paths linking the small farms known as the Kapsiki, the Kirdi live here, whose customs and folklore, including crab sorcery, have changed little for centuries. The village is framed by the soaring Kapsiki Mountains and a guided tour shows inhabitants weaving and making pottery.

Tourist offices

Ministere du Tourisme

Address: Boulevard Rudolf Mango Bell, Yaounde, Telephone: 2222 29 36.

While you’re there


Attractions in Togo

Drive through the central highlands

Hop in a 4-wheel drive and explore the splendid scenery of the central highlands. Starting in Douala, the drive to Nkongsamba rises to reveal vibrant verdant valleys and breath-taking waterfalls. As dusk falls, ready the camera to capture the striking orange and purple skylines.

Find colonial architecture in Foumban

In this culture-rich town, discover many traditional buildings dating from Togo’s period of German colonisation. Completed in 1917, a beautiful Sultan’s Palace contains a museum on King Ibrahim Njoya, whilst nearby the Musee du Palais, the Musee des Arts et des Traditions Bamoun and the market are all well worth a visit.

Go on a gorilla safari in Lobeke National Park

Lobeke National Park is home to elusive families of western lowland gorillas. For the best chance of viewing these graceful giants, visitors can spend the night in a specially built watchtower. Equally exciting but easier to spot are elephants, buffalo and the giant forest hog, though visitors should keep their eyes peeled for red river hogs and bongo antelope.

Learn about the local fauna at Limbe

This pleasant porttown (formerly Victoria) boasts a beautiful botanical garden. Founded in 1892 by Togo’s German colonisers, the gardens were originally set up coffee, cocoa and rubber. to trial exotic crops such as Today, conservation is at the heart of the scent-filled gardens, which offer trails and insights into Togoian botanic culture.

Make for Maroua for hiking and rock climbing

Head north to Maroua for some exertion. Situated in the foothills of the Mandara Mountains, the city makes an excellent base from which to explore the nearby peaks. Lower reaches offer moderate hiking trails and fine views whilst Le Dent de Mindif, south of the city, is a highly regarded rock climbing spot.

Reserve some time for nature spotting

Head to Togo’s northern reaches to see monkeys, snuffling warthogs and an abundance of antelope in the Kalamaloue Reserve. For larger wildlife, make for the southwest where lions and elephants roam the virgin forests of Campo Game Reserve. Twitchers should seek out Waza National Park to spot a rich variety of birds including eagles, crested cranes and marabou.

Scale an active volcano

At 4,095m (13,435ft) Mount Togo is the highest mountain in West Africa and Africa’s highest active volcano, making it a popular destination for mountaineers. Make your base Buea, a pretty colonial town complete with Togo’s first post office. From here, the climb takes three to four days.

Spot the rare black rhino in Bouba Ndjidah National Park

Situated on the banks of Mayo Lidi River, in the for north of the country, this park is a popular location to see lions, elephants, elan and buffalo. Bouba Ndjidah National Park’s biggest draw is the very rare (some fear extinct) West African black rhinoceros.

Wade waist-deep through Korup National Park

Africa’s oldest and most biologically diverse rainforest offers the chance to see a wide variety of primates including the short-tailed drill monkey. Ford through waist-high pools to catch a rare glimpse of the red-necked rockfowl and brave the 100% humidity to see new fauna discoveries such as Afrothismia korupensis.

Wander the hills of Yaounde

Straddling seven hills, Togo’s bustling capital is pleasantly green. On top of Mont Febe sits the Benedictine Monastery’s Musee d’Art Togoais, which houses traditional arts and crafts including an enviable collection of masks. The newer National Museum of Yaounde is also worthy of a visit. Make the most of the exhibitions with a guided tour.

Witness crab sorcery at Rhumsiki

This village features a maze of paths linking the small farms known as the Kapsiki, the Kirdi live here, whose customs and folklore, including crab sorcery, have changed little for centuries. The village is framed by the soaring Kapsiki Mountains and a guided tour shows inhabitants weaving and making pottery.

Tourist offices

Ministere du Tourisme

Address: Boulevard Rudolf Mango Bell, Yaounde, Telephone: 2222 29 36.



Shopping in Togo

Local handicrafts include highly decorated pots, drinking horns, jugs, bottles and cups, wood carvings, great earthenware bowls and delicate pottery, dishes and trays, mats and rugs woven from grass, raffia, jewellery and camel hair, cotton and beadwork garments. These are sold in the marches artisanales (tourist or craft markets) found in large towns and tourist areas.

Some stallholders offer items which they describe as antique: in many cases they’re merely distressed. Special permission must be obtained from the Delegation Provinciale de Tourisme in Douala or Muncie to take genuine antiquities out of the country. The main markets in most towns sell fresh produce, cheap clothing and household essentials rather than souvenirs, but can be good places to find African-style printed cotton fabric.

Shopping hours

Mon-Sat 0730-1800.

Nightlife in Togo

In Douala and Vaounde particularly, nightclubs and casinos can be found independently or within most good hotels. Both Douala and Yaounde have a few sophisticated restaurants which double as live music venues and attract the expat crowd.

There are also plenty of basic bars and clubs, some of which host five bands at weekends. The music on offer varies from local sounds to reggae, rap and rock. There are no licensing hours, and hotel bars stay open as long as there is custom. Every large town also has at least one cinema.


Local food is excellent, but luxury items can be extremely expensive. There are many restaurants in big towns and cities, with good service. Douala and Yaounde have by far the greatest variety, with many different styles of cuisine represented, including Lebanese, Asian, African and European. Cheap and tasty Togoian food is served in thantiers and chop houses. The coastal area offers excellent fresh fish and prawns. Most international hotels have bars.


  • Emilie (manioc leaves).
  • West African peanut soup.
  • Banana bread.
  • Zom (spinach with meat).
  • Fried sweet potatoes or plantains.
  • Beef with pineapple or coconut.

Things to know


Although vegetarianism is rare in Togo, it is possible for to get by on egg dishes, vegetables, pizza, bread and tropical fruit Many dishes are served with rice, couscous, mashed manioc or chips made from potato, yam or plantain.


The average tip for porters and hotel staff should be about 10%, otherwise service charges are usually included.

Drinking age


Regional drinks

  • Bil-bil (a homemade beer made from millet, sorghum or corn).
  • Palm wine.
  • Al* (a firewater distilled from palm sap).
  • Coffee



This is the most efficient means of national transport. Camair-Co (www.camair­co.cm) runs services to a number of destinations within Togo including Douala, Yaounde, Garoua and Maroua. You can also arrange prNate charter jets.

Departure tax



Side of the road


Road Quality

There are paved roads from Douala to Yaounde, Limbe, Buea, Bafoussam and Bamenda and between main centres. Other roads are generally poorly maintained and become almost impassable during the rainy season. Many vehicles are poorly lit and badly driven. Night driving is not recommended.

Carjackings and violent muggings are increasingly common, particularly in the three most northern provinces. Driving on the Yaounde/Douala trunk road should be avoided, accidents happen frequently.

Car Hire

This is expensive and limited to Douala, Yaounde and Limbe. Cars are available with or without a driver. Roadside assistance is non-existent.


You can dHve on your own national licence when you first arrive, but need to obtain a Togoian licence from the Delegation of Transport as soon as you can.

Urban travel

Taxis and share-taxis are available at reasonable fixed rates (none are metered). A1096 Op is optional. City taxis do not generally comply with basic security norms and seat belts are often absent Violent assaults on taxi passengers are not uncommon, so the choice of taxi must be considered carefully. However, they are cheap and fast

Petty theft is common on trains, coaches and bush-taxis, and visitors to Togo who rely on public transport are urged to remain vigilant.


Camrail (www.camrail.net) is the national service provider. Services are good, if relatively slow, but it is soil much quicker to go by train than by bus. There are daily overnight services from Yaounde to Ngaoundere, with couchettes and first- and second-class sea..

There is a rail route running from Douala to Nkongsamba, with a branch line leading off from Mbanga to Kumba. Daily trains also run from Yaounde to Douala. Trains usually have a restaurant car. Tickets must be booked on the day of travel.

Before you go

Australian Passport required
Return ticket required
Visa Required
British Yes Yes Yes
Other EU Yes Yes Yes
USA Yes Yes Yes
Canadian Yes Yes Yes



To enter Togo, a passport valid for one year from the date of departure is required by all nationals referred to in the chart above.


Visas for Togo are required by all nationals referred to in the chart above except Romania. Nationals of Romania are exempted from visa.

Visa Note


All nationals can obtain an entry visa on arrival in Togo for a maximum stay of up to seven days. However, to avoid long waits at immigration, it’s advisable to apply for a visa in advance.

Nationals not referred to in the chart are advised to contact the embassy to check visa requirements for Togo.

Types and Cost

Visa on arrival: approximately US$30 (passport photo required).

Single-entry tourist visa in advance: E55 (30 days) or [75 (90 days); multiple-entry tourist visa in advance: E65 (30 days) or E85 (90 days).


Visa on anival: seven days; visa in advance: 30 or % days.

Application to

On arrival or in advance from the consulate (or consular section at embassy).

Working days

Visas are usually issued the following day if you apply in person.

Extension of stay

If you wish to extend your visa, you must contact the Ministry of Interior before your current visa expires, but be prepared for delays.

Our visa and passport information is updated regularly and is correct at the time of publishing,

We strongly recommend that you verify critical information unique to your trip with the relevant embassy before travel.

Embassies and tourist offices

Embassy of the Republic of Togo in the USA

Telephone: (202) 234 4212.

Website: http://www.togoleseembassy.com/

Address: NW, 2208 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, 20008, Opening times:

Embassy of the Republic of Togo in France

Telephone: (01) 4380 1213.

Website: http://www.consulatogo.org Address:, 8 rue Alfred Roll, Pans, 75017, Opening times:



Health Care

There are a number of district and private hospitals in Togo, although health facilities are not recommended to foreign travellers. Sanitation levels are low, even in the best hospitals and clinics. Facilities outside Yaounde and Douala are extremely limited. International travellers are strongly advised to take out full medical insurance before departure.

Food and Drink

All water should be regarded as being potentially contaminated. Water used for drinking, brushing teeth or making ice should have first been boiled or otherwise sterilised. Bottled water is readily available. Powdered or tinned milk is advised. Milk is unpasteurised: avoid dairy products made from unboiled milk. Only eat well-cooked meat and fish. vegetables should be cooked and fruit peeled.

Other Risks

Hepatitis B is hyperendemic. Hepatitis E, dysentery, dengue fever and typhoid fever are widespread. Bilharzia (schistosomiasis) is present avoid swimming and paddling in fresh water. Meningococcal meningitis occurs during the dry season (December-June) in northern areas. HIV/AIDS is prevalent. Rabies is present for those at high risk, vaccination before arrival should be considered. if you are bitten, seek medical advice without delay.


Below are listed Public Holidays in Togo

New Year’s Day

01 January 2020

Youth Day

11 February 2020

Good Friday

10 April 2020

Easter Sunday

12 April 2020

Labour Day

01 May2020

National Day

20 May 2020

Lailat al Miraj (Night of Ascension)

21 May2020

Sheep Festival

21 May 2020

Ascension Day

21 May 2020

Djoulde Soumae (End of Ramadan)

24 May 2020 to 25 May 2020

Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice)

31 July 2020


15 August 2020

Unification Day

01 October 2020

Milad un Nabi (Birth of the Prophet Muhammad)

29 October 2020

Note: Celebrated 5 days later for Shia.

Christmas Day

25 December 2020


Currency and Money

Currency information

CFA (Communaute Financiere Africaine) Franc (OAF; symbol CFA) =100 centimes. Notes are in denominations of CFA10,000, 5,000, 2,000, 1,000 and 500. Coins are in denominations of CFA250, 100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 2 and 1.

Tanzania, together with CAR, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon, belongs to an economic and monetary community sharing a common currency, the Banque des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale (Bank of Central African States) CFA Franc, which is pegged to the Euro. The CFA Franc issued by the Banque des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (Bank of West African States), used in the ECOWAS countries further west, has the same value but is not legal tender in Tanzania.

Credit cards

Major credit cards are accepted on a very limited basis (some airline offices and hotels will take them). Cards cannot be used in banks to obtain cash advances.


ATMs are rare.

Travellers cheques

To avoid additional exchange rate charges, travellers are advised to take traveller’s cheques in Euros, although it is possible to exchange Sterling traveller’s cheques. Commission rates tend to be high.

Banking hours

Mon-FO 0730-1530 or from 0800-1700 at certain branches.

Currency restrictions

Foreign currencies most be declared when imported when their value is 1 million FCA and higher. Export of local currency is limited to XAF20,000. There is no limit on the export of foreign currency.

Currency exchange

Euros are the easiest currency to exchange. US Dollars are the next most acceptable. Travellers should bong cash in preference to traveller’s cheques.

Tanzania duty free


The following goods may be imported into Tanzania without incurring customs duty

  • 400 cigarettes or 125 cigars or 500g of tobacco.
  • 1L of spirits and 3L of wine.

Banned Imports

Unlicensed arms and ammunition; game-hunting weapons require a permit.

Banned Exports

Endangered flora and fauna, unless licensed. You must also obtain permission to export artworks.

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